The university that empowers ingenuity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
With our active learning methodology, our students experience engineering from day one.
Our students' DNA: achieving highest academic achievement and personal development.
We've built strong relationships with the best educational institutions in the world.
The right path to finding better solutions.
Sustainability documents
Giancarlo Marcone
The university that empowers ingenuity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
With our active learning methodology, our students experience engineering from day one.
Our students' DNA: achieving highest academic achievement and personal development.
We've built strong relationships with the best educational institutions in the world.
The right path to finding better solutions.
Sustainability documents
Giancarlo Marcone
Christian Monterrey is 21 years old and is Electronic Engineering student at UTEC. He is currently working on his pre-grad thesis on “Design and optimization of draining devises for glaucoma patients through computational eye models” which is financed by CONCYTEC through FONDECYT-UK and is under the supervision of professors José Luis Mantra, Ruth Canahuire and Samuel Chacra.
Christian’s thesis aims to design an active draining system for treating glaucoma, an eye affecting disease. He’s working towards achieving a more precise device that the ones available today, which are mainly passive.
He is not only being advised by UTEC’s Head of Mechatronic Engineering, Dr. Canahuire, but is also working with Dr. Ahmed Elsheikh, a professor from Liverpool University. This has made Christian able to visit Dr. Elsheikh’s biomechanics lab, where they specialize in in the study of the eye’s mechanical properties and will allow him to achieve higher quality results.
This experience has been very gratifying for him, and it has also enhanced his motivation to work towards achieving higher levels of education for Peru.
He believes that experiences like these “allow you to gain a larger perspective on education in general, but specially on engineering education in first world countries.” While in the lab, Christian has had the chance to interact with students who are getting masters degrees and also doctorates, allowing him to gain first hand perspective on how is the life of a first world research engineer.
His message to aspiring students is that if you’re passionate about technology and would like to develop cutting edge technology, the Electronic Engineering program is the one for you. “Nowadays people seem to think that informatics technology is the only one worth developing, but us electronic engineers are able to create tangible technology that could really help our country move forward”.
Christian loves doing research and this is what pushes him to come back, finish the program and get the degree. In order to keep doing what he loves, he is trying to get the chance to go for a masters’ degree abroad.
Carreras en ingeniería y tecnología que van de la mano con la investigación y la creación de soluciones tecnológicas de vanguardia, comprometidas con las necesidades sociales y la sostenibilidad.
Decide convertirte en el profesional que el mundo necesita. Estudia en UTEC y lleva tu ingenio hacia el futuro.