The university that empowers ingenuity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
With our active learning methodology, our students experience engineering from day one.
Our students' DNA: achieving highest academic achievement and personal development.
We've built strong relationships with the best educational institutions in the world.
The right path to finding better solutions.
Sustainability documents
Giancarlo Marcone
The university that empowers ingenuity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
With our active learning methodology, our students experience engineering from day one.
Our students' DNA: achieving highest academic achievement and personal development.
We've built strong relationships with the best educational institutions in the world.
The right path to finding better solutions.
Sustainability documents
Giancarlo Marcone
As part of the institutional agreement between UTEC and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the renowned Dr. Takehiko Nagakura and Paloma González, PhD student at MIT, developed the workshop "Mapping the Landscape and Ancient Ruins".
The event, aimed at UTEC students and CITA members, consisted of three training days focusing on Digital Photometry and other 360° techniques.
This type of events confirm that internationalization and globalization ambience on campus is a constant, while at the same time, leveraging our pillars of learning and innovation.
Learn more about Takehiko Nagakura:
He is a renowned japanese architect who currently teaches at MIT courses related to computer aided design. His academic research focuses in the computational representation of the architectural space and knowledge of formal design. In addition, he has created a series of interactive visualization designs like Digitarama, Deskrama and Multirama AR (augmented reality).
His recent research on digital heritage uses photogrammetry models, panoramic videos, game engines and drones to capture the architectural heritage and represent it in a new interactive format.
He directs the UNBUILT project, together with the scientific researcher Kent Larson, with whom his team has developed computer graphics for the visualization of important modern projects which have not been built yet. Such was the result and transcendence that the result has been exhibit in important exhibitions at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles and other exhibitions around the world.
Carreras en ingeniería y tecnología que van de la mano con la investigación y la creación de soluciones tecnológicas de vanguardia, comprometidas con las necesidades sociales y la sostenibilidad.
Decide convertirte en el profesional que el mundo necesita. Estudia en UTEC y lleva tu ingenio hacia el futuro.