The university that empowers ingenuity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
With our active learning methodology, our students experience engineering from day one.
Our students' DNA: achieving highest academic achievement and personal development.
We've built strong relationships with the best educational institutions in the world.
The right path to finding better solutions.
Sustainability documents
Giancarlo Marcone
The university that empowers ingenuity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
With our active learning methodology, our students experience engineering from day one.
Our students' DNA: achieving highest academic achievement and personal development.
We've built strong relationships with the best educational institutions in the world.
The right path to finding better solutions.
Sustainability documents
Giancarlo Marcone
The inauguration for the UTEC - Repsol Professorship initiative took place this week. This initiative will allow us to promote the necessary knowledge and skills related to Energy and Sustainability in Perú and around the globe.
The presentation included lectures such as “Exploration and production in Peru and around the world” by Alejandro Ponce, the director of UN’s Exploration and production for Peru; “Digitalization and New Technologies” by Mario La Hoz, Kinteroni’s Active Manager, and “Geology Principles, Geological and Geophysical methods for Production and Exploration” which was held by Francisco Rodriguez, Team Leader in Geology and geophysics.
Once the presentations were finished we made a tour through our laboratories and held an open dialogue on the subject of Energy and Sustainability.
(Photo caption)
UTEC Team - Repsol: Francisco Rodriguez, Team Leader Geologyand Geophysics; Mario De la Hoz, Active Manager at Kinteroni; Julien Noel,Head of theEnergy Engineering program at UTEC; Alejandro Ponce, UN Director Exploration and production for Peru; Carlos Hereen, Executive Director UTEC; José Luis Ibarra, Director ofCommunications and External Relations Repsol Perú; Sebastien Quesnel, Professor of Energy EngineeringandMaster of ceremonies for the event; Victoria Salvador, Innovation Manager Grupo Repsol.
Carreras en ingeniería y tecnología que van de la mano con la investigación y la creación de soluciones tecnológicas de vanguardia, comprometidas con las necesidades sociales y la sostenibilidad.
Decide convertirte en el profesional que el mundo necesita. Estudia en UTEC y lleva tu ingenio hacia el futuro.