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Javier Pizarro Romero

Graduated in Hispanic Literature and got a master degree in Cultural Studies, both by Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru (PUCP), where nowadays is profesor of Writing. He won some literary awards in Peru and Spain: first place in XV Premio Rua Nova de Narraciones Juveniles de Galicia; first place in I Premio Nacional Universitario de Cuento, Poesía y Ensayo Nicanor de la Fuente NIXA; first place in Concurso Terminemos el Cuento 2002; and first place in XVI Concurso Literario Lundero from La Industria magazine in the ‘young tale’ category. In 2009 he won Premio PUCP de Novela with La vereda más larga del mundo, novel published by PUCP. He also published in Spain the short novel Invisible: antes de caer (Ir Indo, 2003) and in 2016 he was autor in Dando cuenta: estudios sobre el testimonio de la violencia política en el Perú (1980-2000). Since 2013 he is also a profesor of Writing in Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC).